'The Girl in Question'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Thanks, Jesse, for saying what I was thinking.
Buy a book in Ginger's honor. Buy twelve, a couple of out of print children's books, and some nonfiction on science, and a good chunk of fiction.
OK, I didn't exactly do that, but I did start reading a book I had pre-ordered, and it was, coincidentally, by Paul Cornell who I started reading because Ginger had recommended London Falling. So that turned out to be a nice little remembrance.
Watched Diggle punching the hell out of a punching bag on Arrow, all wet and sweaty. Raised a glass for ita.
I had a lunch meeting today where I was asked to list all the ways coding is like cooking. Missed ita.
LinkedIn recommended ita as a contact for me today. Hit me like a gut punch.
(And, hey! Not really around much, but I knew y'all would understand.)
I sent a group email for Thanksgiving and discovered that I have not yet deleted Ginger's contact from my list.
This happens every time.
Still can'twon't do it.
It's been 1 year since Ginger died. I miss her so much, all the time.
I took some meds that don't mix with alcohol, so I am raising a virtual glass to her memory.
Our losses hit so hard because the people were so damn amazing and alive and it's unfair they aren't now. I will raise a glass.
Ginger turns up so often in FB comments to my posts in that "On This Day" thing, and I'm actually super grateful that FB came up with that. Because I love reading her comments all over again.
I hope Mr. Peabody is well.