I just realized I made the comment on the flickr account I use for my Second Life avatar's in world photography.
I changed the comment to my personal flickr account.
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I just realized I made the comment on the flickr account I use for my Second Life avatar's in world photography.
I changed the comment to my personal flickr account.
thanks Lee
Thank you, Lee.
Thanks, Lee.
Thank you, Lee.
Thank you, Lee!
My pleasure! Going through all of the remembrances was nice to do.
Calling the artistic people among us (which is so not me):
This is from ita's sister:
I'm thinking of organising the text-only stuff so that I put the quotes together and making them into a photo somehow so they can also go on flickr. (You can tell I have no idea what I'm talking about - this is the kind of thing I would've asked ita to do for me!)
If I send the document I created with all of the text posts and poems in it, would someone be able to do this?
A belated thanks Lee. And while I could it do it, I have lousy artistic skills. So it would end up looking awful.
Over the last few days, I've been going through COMM and collecting all of ita's contributions. I've put them all in a Word document. It includes her solo quotes, COMM's conversations where she took part, and comments by other buffistas that mentioned ita. (There are some exclusions, such as some of the lengthy pun exchanges, if ita only had one or two appearances; or if she gets mentioned but without really saying anything about her. Basically, if I felt it helped in remembering the person she was, in it goes.) There's about 700 quotes in all.
Some of her quotes are hilarious, some poignant, some are now a bit hard to take. I never met ita in person, and COMMs and COMMworthies are in large part how I best remember her. I don't know if anyone else is interested in this, but I'd be happy to share this file with other Buffistas, and wanted to make the offer. (Not sure what's the best way to do so, if there's somewhere to put it so people can download it, or just get people to email me and I'll send it.)
If anyone would like a copy, my email addy is good.