Of course, Lee
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I just finished the flickr annotations as best I could
Let me know if I should change anything, and I will.
I also put all the posts that were text only into one document, along with the poems, and will send that to ita's sister.
Thank you, Lee.
Thanks, Lee.
Thank you, Lee.
A year ago minus a day this thread was created. This thread and board and all of you were in my mind all day long.
I just realized I made the comment on the flickr account I use for my Second Life avatar's in world photography.
I changed the comment to my personal flickr account.
thanks Lee
Thank you, Lee.
Thanks, Lee.
Thank you, Lee.