The lanterns are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing that.
'Why We Fight'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Teppy, was it deliberate, that you put this beautiful and truthful and heartbreaking quote right below a picture in which ita looks like such a fierce non—fragile warrior? It looked so appropriate, despite — or because — the seeming contradiction.
Of course. Because what she was between her beginning and end was wonderful.
So well done, ladies. Thank you.
I've been away, but I've seen a lot of the lantern pictures on Facebook. They are truly beautiful and a wonderful tribute.
ita would have been touched, that was beautiful.
In totally frivolous news, words can't even express how very much I want to get ita's reaction to this news. I mean, I want her reactions to every bit of news ever because she should be here, but surely for this bit of news she would have Opinions.
Jason Momoa portrayed pirate Jean LaFite on a recent Drunk History and I kept thinking how much ita would have enjoyed it.
Damn, I love drunk history.
Huh. So Morena and Jewel are both expecting.
Morena also takes the silver medal for scoring an awesome SO from among the Firefly cast (I still have to award the gold to Gina).