She had subtitles, too, like "FEET don't fail me now," "Make a SPECTACLE of yourself," and "All HANDS on deck." I don't remember what/if there were for skirts, wet, silver foxes, and venus, though.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Okay. I got MOST of the pictures. It looks like the scraper messed up on some when there were LOTS of pictures but it's a definite start. It will be a while before they are all uploaded on dropbox but when it is done (probably in a couple of hours) here is the link:
I am going out of town tomorrow so now need to go pack. If I get some free time over the week I'll try to figure out which pictures are missing and start collecting them, but I got several thousand so it should keep people busy for a while.
I think you should just use the wayback machine itself to access her blurbs and subtitles.
ETA: upload is complete. 900 MB worth of images, about 7000 of them I think.
Thanks, Gris. It's nice to save that part of her legacy.
Thanks Gris!!! I will probably start grabbing stuff tonight will update here how it is going and if it works, I will set up folders on a hard drive and a back up for redundancy.
So I play Second Life and I'm in Skype with a bunch and one has a wonderful voice and she sang Wild Horses.
A beautiful rendition which made me think of Buffy and then the board and ita; of course, and I cried. But her voice is so amazing it would have givne me gooesebumps. I wish I could share the song. The confluence of hanging out with online groups -this one and the other them.
I don't know I felt like sharing.
I have BestofProvocateuse on Tumblr with sub blogs thus far of handsonprovocateuse, skirtsprovocateuse, and barefootprovocateuse.
I created the misspelled as the email.
I have started moving pictures over to my dropbox and harddrive.
I will add more sub blogs and let you all know how it's going.
Thanks everyone for rescuing the provocateuse sites!
I am going to want some help with choosing themes and whatnot for those of you more tumblr savvy than me.
Well dang, I think I finally have to join tumblr
I've uploaded 3 pics to best of. I think I'll get a few pics up in each blog and then set up queues, but I've never done the queues before so again with the help.