I have BestofProvocateuse on Tumblr with sub blogs thus far of handsonprovocateuse, skirtsprovocateuse, and barefootprovocateuse.
I created the misspelled provocatuese@gmail.com as the email.
I have started moving pictures over to my dropbox and harddrive.
I will add more sub blogs and let you all know how it's going.
Thanks everyone for rescuing the provocateuse sites!
I am going to want some help with choosing themes and whatnot for those of you more tumblr savvy than me.
Well dang, I think I finally have to join tumblr
I've uploaded 3 pics to best of. I think I'll get a few pics up in each blog and then set up queues, but I've never done the queues before so again with the help.
msbelle, I am mostly home for the rest of the weekend and not feeling well, so this is probably the perfect time for me to help. Let me know what I can do.
as for designs, go look at the blogs, suggest themes that would look good. I may need images to use for avatars for each also - maybe not.
I am just now going back to start another round of image uploads.
y'all I find myself not wanting to put up Adam Baldwin pics.