Oh, Allyson. Yes.
'Conviction (1)'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
ita knows that you're a warrior, Allyson.
Una's right. No one had to tell ita that you're a warrior. I think about her during my endless medical procedures, but wish that I had never had to associate ita with pain.
Oh, Allyson, gallbladder pain is awful, I'm so sorry. ita would, I'm sure, agree that you are in no way a wuss for feeling the pain.
Nor would she think you have any reason to feel guilt: you did a great deal for ita, and made a huge difference in her life. But she was also very independent, and would not have wanted you to think you bore all the responsibility for her.
Please be kind to yourself.
Nor would she think you have any reason to feel guilt: you did a great deal for ita, and made a huge difference in her life. But she was also very independent, and would not have wanted you to think you bore all the responsibility for her.
This is so true, but I also know how guilt works, and that it doesn't respond to logical arguments. For me, guilt and grief tend to pair up.
I've wanted to write a poem about ita, for her. And I finally have a rough draft I posted in Great Write WAy that they asked I share here.
I know ita had changed her user name but I still thought of her as !ita or in my head "interbangita!" so when you see !ita it's "interbang ita"
So here it is... I hope no one thinks I've made a mischaracteriszation it needs some polish but this is, I guess ita seen through my lens.
ita bang
ita moon
A force
gravity's pull
we are her satellites
ita bang
ita moon
a punch
a kick
sharp mind
cross swords - defend - prove your point
no strawmen here
ita moon
ita bang
electromagnetic field across the world
we find -each day- where she touched
who she touched
influence in surprising places
scope beyond realization
pink gingham
connoisseur of fine men
Ting and curry
She was
she is
she will be
the internet is forever
our hearts are forever
one generation -the next generation
grace & noah
other children touched in her gravity
pass down the stories
ita bang
ita moon
Firefly legend
She found peace
and we grapple with that still
Oh, askye, it hurts in a beautiful way. Thank you so much.
I've been looking back on my journeys through grief and know that it will get, I won't say easier, but different. One day when we read of Allyson being a warrior, or one of the Buffista sprog kicking ass in martial arts, or pass a stranger dressed in pink gingham, that day will be different than today. Instead of a lump in the throat, or tears, we will smile and treasure the memory in a different way. And we'll be grateful for the joyful reminder.
askye, thank you. That's wonderful.
Oh merciful heavens, that's lovely. It's making me weep, but it is lovely.
Lovely, askye.