Ye gods. I knew I would not be the only one to feel this way but yeah... Gut punch.
Especially THIS discussion.
I can just imagine what she would say and somehow feel I should vote 'the ita way' out of principle.
But then I think about how she would react to that kind of sentimentality and, well, get a little frustrated because I just want her to be able to vote her own damn way.
The 5K I did was superhero-themed, and virtually everyone wore some kind of superhero shirt/costume. The gallery of photos is up today, and what I didn't see Saturday was a woman dressed in a fairly kickass Storm costume. And I'm really glad I didn't see her Saturday, because I think I would have cried too hard to actually walk.
I really felt it right before I "nannyed" and asked about official seconds and opening the thread. I actually waited quite a bit because I was so sad. But then I thought that that was sort of my role in the whole voting procedure and I shouldn't shirk, even if ita wasn't here to play her role. And then I cried a bit.
I was just at a play with a friend, and we were gently snarking on audience members and the question of who can pull off a really short cut and who can't. Then I started crying.
Oh, honey, I'm sorry. Wish I could hug you right now.
Today I was catching up in the movie thread, and got LDBd by ita posthumously. I can't decide if that means I've already lost for 2015.
Can I ask if people are still interested in meeting in LA this summer? Or has that desire changed? I wasn’t ever going to do anything elaborate, but if there’s interest, I can still put together some basic plans for meeting up.
I would be up for that. I haven't had a real vacation in years. All mine have been staycations or my family's annual pilgrimage to Door County, which is, at most, four days. But, family.
We are still interested in doing this.