Awesome kickassery Andi!
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Go, WS!!!
Good for you, WS. Sadly, I'm not a great planner. Once something is planned, I can help make it happen, though.
When I saw pictures of Andy Murray's wedding I though how much ita would have loved to have seen a top tennis player getting married in a kilt. (Another entry for the Men in Kilts website!)
You guys. I want ita's opinion of thread proposals in Bureaucracy. I want it so bad.
Right? It's a gut punch.
She would especially have a lot of thoughts about this one.
I miss her.
Feeling the same.
Who knew not being up-to-date on the Voting thread would hurt so much. Skimming to catch up, and there she is.