I was walking today to train for the 5K, which meant walking a longer time than I normally do (45 minutes). And it is so freaking boring to walk that long, and I always remember ita saying she could never run a marathon because of how long it is -- not because the length would be difficult, but because she would get so bored that she'd have to start randomly punching people as she ran.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Just for that, I say we sponsor a 5K-rav, and every 1/2 mile, you have to punch shit, and all the money goes to ita's scholarship.
ETA: And now I am seriously thinking "I am the Queen Organizer. I bet I could organize a 5K in LA, and have backers, and actually do that."
A 5Krav actually sounds pretty awesome!
I like this idea -
"Have you thought about doing a 5k but hesitate because the idea of running that long makes you want to punch something? We have the solution for you! The 5Krav! Every 1/2 mile there will be something for you to punch (or kick) to keep your interest up."
"Are you a 5K fantastic but want to mix it up a bit - introducing the 5Krav Run! Punch! Kick! New challenges at every half mile."
That sounds awesome!
See? Give me 9 months, and I could totally do this.
It's like those Mud Runs, or Warrior Runs, but without the mud (and the reported chance of getting sick with something because you and 1,000 other people just wallowed in mud full of germs and maybe got some in you or in a cut or...yeah, I'm picky)
That is a pretty great idea, Strix.
I love it.
I'm seeing two rows of volunteers creating shoots on either side of the 1/2 mile markers, into which runners can funnel. Each volunteer holds one of those large punching pads.
That way, runners would not have to slow down completely or stop in order to get their pound on.
Also, those who have expended their smack-happiness, or conscientious objectors can keep running down the middle of the route.
Otherwise, you'd get the kind of bottleneck that might inspire them to hit each other. #1 way to ensure it does not become an annual event!
You could get Krav and MMA schools and teams to sponsor the shoots, with their logos on the pads.
On alternate 1/2 mile markers, you could have premade ice bags for knuckles. I wonder if the increased adrenaline and circulation would naturally reduce swelling.