This is kind of a stupid thing to worry about, but I'd hate for all of the stuff on to just disappear.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Things I know about ita
(in present tense because, seriously, FUCK THIS SHIT.)
She buckles swash.
She was born to wear black leather.
She makes a room 357% cooler by merely walking in. (This is an actual measurement. Sometimes it was more.)
She is brilliant and beautiful and smart.
In short, she's charismatic, and it's easy to notice just that about her. But she is brave, insightful, and kind, and the glamour could keep you from noticing that.
There can only ever be one ita. You can say that about a lot of people, but it's a demonstrable fact that one more ita would increase the coolness of the universe so much that it would implode.
And one thing, in past tense. She had a grueling chronic pain condition, but it doesn't have her. Not any more.
Dana, I don't think it's stupid. That archive - it was a source of fun for her.
It's not stupid. It's part of her legacy. It's who she was. It's one of the thousand reasons why we loved her, and it's all we've got left. Which is so un-fucking-fair.
In days to come we will wear our grief as a badge of honor.
Yeah, it should be archived somewhere. I would hate to see her collection get lost.
Maria, could you post your letter in here please?
She had a grueling chronic pain condition, but it doesn't have her. Not any more.
Brought over from Natter, because it should be here too.
I don't think she'd mind if I shared this with you now. Because it's so very applicable again.
I know you're inundated with both missives and emotions right now, so don't feel for any reason that you have to respond to this. I thought I'd wait a day or few so it didn't feel like more of more pressure.
I just want to you know what while you can't help what you feel, *I* want to help what you feel. I want you not to feel responsible, and I want you not to feel like you're alone. As long as part of your brain can hold that knowledge for when you have more emotional ability to handle it.
That you're incredibly loved, incredibly supported, and that we're all here for you. I wish so much I could be close enough to you to hug you if you're accepting those, or just make you hot drinks if that's what works best. Whatever you need.
Take care of yourself, Maria, and let the people around you take care of you too. Do as little as you can get by doing, and feel whatever you need to.
Later, sweetie.
I'm going to follow her advice yet again. She was an incredible human being. I'm glad we're taking care of each other.