It was really important to me to watch the coroner for some reason. Standing guard? Making sure they didn't knock her about? Or maybe I just needed to see that it was real. Mostly though just numb and sad.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
It's a mitzvah that can never be repaid, Burrell.
It's a mitzvah that can never be repaid, Burrell.
Absolutely this.
It was really important to me to watch the coroner for some reason. Standing guard?
I've done this twice in my life. It just seemed the thing to do. Almost a physical need.
I love the O-deck honor, and hate it.
Allyson, store up the spoons via numbness if you need to, it's okay.
Shiny hair admiration all around.
Edited to add:
Allyson, store up the spoons via numbness if you need to, it's okay.
Yes. So much this.
I wish so much I could come and cook and clean for the LA crew. Anything that may help. Just say the word. You are dealing with so much right now. And I adore your pretty hair for that.
Another gem from the BRQG:
ita: I'm sitting on the floor, with the sword (straight cane-katana) between my legs. The first step is to buff off any rust or grease. I have to brace the sword against my pubic bone, and rub very hard along its length with an abrasive pad. Very hard, long strokes. Firmness is best.
Hecubus: Jesus. No wonder men fear ita. Her idea of a dildo is three feet long and has a scalpel's edge.
sniffly again.
Allyson, you have beautiful hair.
Such pretty hair.
It's going to hit me hardest in a few weeks, or months, and repeatedly, when I've gotten used to her absence and "accepted" it. I'm going to be excited for the SPN season finale and can't *wait* to hear what ita thinks. I'm going to see a drawing and can't wait to ask if she's seen it. I'm going to find a photo of some handsome devil in glasses, or a skirt, and do the html to send it to ita--
The pit traps are there. Even "acceptance" won't let us avoid them all.
It's been a million years since I've been here but all the memories are rushing back to me now. How I have missed you all!