Zoe: We're getting him back. Jayne: What are we gonna do, clone him?

'War Stories'

Supernatural 3: Family don't end with blood

[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.

Topic!Cindy - Nov 19, 2020 5:12:24 pm PST #745 of 806
What is even happening?


So far, "The Road So Far" special is just getting on my nerves. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's little clips interspersed with snippets from the actors, Kripke, Singer et al.

I suppose it would be difficult because of Covid, but I'd rather see a panel-style thing after, than this before. My husband was the smart one. He decided to save it for after the finale.

Topic!Cindy - Nov 19, 2020 6:46:00 pm PST #746 of 806
What is even happening?

Supernatural finale spoilers

Okay, so Dean just died, and then Sam gave him a hunter's funeral. Now he's been called to Austin on a case. I mention where I am in the hour, because I might feel differently when the hour is up, but, I think Sam is the one who should have died. I think Dean is the one who had to learn to live without Sam.

Also, I'd like to call b.s. on Dean leaving his room a mess. The writers mightn't remember, but when the boys first found the bunker, it was Dean who kept his room as neat as you'd expect from the Daddy-pleasing son of an overbearing Marine.

It's 9:46pm ET, now. Show's back on.

And it's over. More finale:

I think the main events of the series finale would have been better placed as a much shorter denouement to last week. They really had to stretch it to fill a whole new episode. It was fine. It just fell flat for me. I feel bad for all of them, because I suspect Heaven would have been full of all the ones we've lost along the way, but Covid made the logistics too complicated.

Theresa - Nov 20, 2020 1:30:43 am PST #747 of 806
"What would it take to get your daughter to stop tweeting about this?"

I haven’t seen the Road So Far special yet.

Thoughts without spoilers-

I saw so many people complaining on Twitter about the finale, but I didn’t hate it. Everyone would have preferences, but Covid, and other world influences have impacted the path of shows in the past.

I didn’t hate it. I might have written a couple things differently, but I can definitely live with this. I didn’t even need to watch Lebanon right away.

One of the hardest things tonight is going to be missing ita so fucking much.


Spoiler posting experiment hiding something here End experiment

Amy - Nov 20, 2020 6:01:18 am PST #748 of 806
Because books.

I thought it was perfect, and it seems like I'm the only one? Dabb wrote a classic Sam-and-Dean MOW episode, with all kinds of awesome callbacks to the series as a whole. And their performances broke me.

Theresa - Nov 20, 2020 10:02:22 am PST #749 of 806
"What would it take to get your daughter to stop tweeting about this?"

And their performances broke me.

I was just coming to post that this was among the finest acting I have seen from Jared and Jensen and that’s saying something. The director was able to catch the subtle facial nuances they were throwing. Same for Misha’s episode.

and it seems like I'm the only one?
It took me until 2am to work up the courage to try it. The more I mull it over, the more pleased that I am.

To the haters * rebar kills people. It’s one of the reasons they ask you not to play around construction sites. The same way Tara said , “it’s always sudden”, it was never going to be happy when the event happened. In my 53 years experience though, barring sickness, sudden deaths come out of nowhere. They are mortal and stupid. When Dean said, “I didn’t think it was going to be today, that was REAL. These people talking about a nail and tetanus are just grappling with that aftermath of trying to make sense. It was rebar and internal injuries. They need to watch The Body. It’s always sudden, and it sends you into a parallel universe where nothing makes sense. Breaking up the white I think if not for Covid we would have seen John and Mary in their place up the road. Ellen would have come walking out of The Roadhouse, I’m guessing. None of that was negated. We’re working with a worldwide pandemic. Instead we got an acknowledgment of the many crew members it takes just to bring us two men talking on a bridge. That was awesome and well deserved. Dean was happy! His enjoyment driving those country roads was like the blanket and soup that I always wanted to give him. Meanwhile Sam led the full life that he was meant to lead before he got pulled back into the family business. I was sad that there was only a son around when he passed, but he was wealthy enough to have home hospital care. Go Sam! I’m choosing to believe his partner was there but giving him some private time with his son.

when Sam passed, to Dean it was 20-30 minutes later. The Boys were together as they were happiest. It was the Heaven that they deserved.

End thoughts thus far

Atropa - Nov 20, 2020 2:33:56 pm PST #750 of 806
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

I didn't watch, but I know Tumblr is collectively losing its damn mind. From the descriptions and recaps I've read, I think it would have been better received if COVID hadn't made filming with more cast impossible. My other take-away, having seen screencaps, is HOLY G-D, the "old age" Sam wig and makeup were terrible. Whoever did that needed to watch some cosplay wig tutorials.

Topic!Cindy - Nov 20, 2020 2:50:16 pm PST #751 of 806
What is even happening?

Atropa, I've seen better wigs in the CVS costume aisle, on November 1st.

JenP - Nov 20, 2020 4:19:28 pm PST #752 of 806

I haven't read the posts above, because I stopped watching at some point (half way through Season 12, as it turns out - not as much to catch up on as I thought, so that's good), and I'll try to keep myself spoiler free-ish. Not that I'm all that concerned about it.

Just wanted to come in here and hug the thread and its denizens. This place was a huge part of my existence for quite a while, honestly, as was Show. Just, basically... love you guys.

-t - Nov 20, 2020 4:30:22 pm PST #753 of 806
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

OK, disclaimer the first - I skipped to the end to post, I'll go back and read what y'all have said in a minute

Disclaimer the second - I was too tired to watch last night. I think I was asleep by 8. This is actually a fitting end as most of my years of watching SPN I had to timeshift for one reason or another.

Maybe a disclaimer maybe something else I'm not sure: I really disliked Inherit the Earth. It irritated me a lot. I guess I'm glad they got the whole Chuck think wrapped up in the penultimate episode. And the empty world was nicely evocative.

The Long Road Home was wonderful.

I didn't have any idea what to expect from the finale itself. It was really sweet.

-t - Nov 20, 2020 4:44:16 pm PST #754 of 806
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I dropped in, because the mayor of Lawrence, Kansas read a proclamation yesterday (during her last full meeting as mayor) declaring the Lawrence the hometown of Sam and Dean Winchester.

Aw. That is so cute!

I hereby declare NO MORE SPOILER FONT IN THIS THREAD!!!!!! Everything is aired. And trying to read everything y'all spoiler-fonted just recently is making my brain hurt, for some reason.

Amy, the classic MotW feel of the first part of the episode made me really happy. The Urban Legends SPN was always my favorite, theology SPN my least favorite. Dean's death scene was really beautifully written and performed, and Sam's life reminded me of bothe the Six Feet Under finale and The Good Place. It's like, hm, I can see where they were making narrative choices rather than being immersed in the story, which I am not sure how to feel about, but they were good narrative choices so yay?

There was peace when they were done, and, really, that's enough.