The brass knuckles had sigils on them, but the Minion also appeared to hurt him by kneeing him. As opposed to his original appearance when no amount of physical force could present any danger, nor could the Kurdish demon-killing knife that had been proof against anything short of Lilith to that point. Guess her Spanx were inscribed with anti-angel sigils too.
Cas used to be able to incinerate entire buildings full of powerful monsters with a raised hand, pull people out of explosions between one tick of the clock and the next, and zero in on the Winchesters anywhere on the planet via their prayers or dreams. Now he can't hold his own in a fight with a single human being who telegraphs her use of enchanted hand weaponry and has to search for a missing Sam by interviewing realtors.
Yeah, I was struggling to figure out what state Castiel is in right now. I thought maybe I'd missed something but maybe it's not just me.
I've been referring to the Men of Letters, UK by the acronym MOLUK. Sounds sufficiently inimical, till we learn where their weak points are.
There's some discussion whether Ms. Bevel (edge, or angle? I wonder?) is actually sent by MOLUK, or is on her own vendetta-crusade thing. MOL husband killed by some US hunter's error, maybe?
That was my thought too, Beverly.
She seems very self-motivated and a dead loved one seems the most likely (re: usual) justification.
OOORRR the new MOLUK dude is playing good cop.
Wasn't Mollak...or some such, the big bad on Sleepy Hollow? It makes me think of mukluks.
When was the last time you went running through the threads??? How long?!?? It's almost time for a new Natter....runnnnnnn!
I missed last week's episode (I was talking to esse instead!) and learned thereafter how absolutely shitty the CW's streaming still is, so I haven't seen it yet.
But I got the gist watching tonight's episode, and wow. The story was nothing special, but the family angst! Dean's face at the end! She misses John! Oh dear. WINCHESTERS.
Is anyone still watching? I thought this weeks was particularly ill-timed. I'd like to know if I'm the only one that didn't find it all that amusing after the election.
Still watching, but after this week I may take a break from it at least until I see promos featuring Rick Springfield again. The latest ep was bad enough I looked it up on imdb to see if it was a Nepotism Twins episode and it had no listed writer. This season is being brought to us by Alan Smithee, apparently.
Quester, I can't even watch the new ep. I saw the Hitler plot description, and was all "Yeah, not right now. Cannot deal."