Yes! I figured out that it was Lucifer in the Driver's seat when Cas told the Winchesters to go on without him. Should be a great change of pace for Misha to act out.
Interesting that Castiel can choose to share his vessel with another angel. I guess when God recreated him without the need for a human soul in tandem, it opened the door for more rule-bending, like holding all the souls and presences from Purgatory inside with him.
It's Pie Day! (Not Pi Day.) Somewhere, Dean's mouth is watering.
Jensen doing "Whipping Post" at Jaxcon: [link]
Aw, I'd watch the Claire and Alex Show, for sure.
I'm going to start putting up curtains and moving furniture in if I'm going to be in here all alone. ;-)
There's a Nature documentary called "Moose: Life of a Twig Eater" on now. Seemed appropos before Show.
You're not alone--at least I drop in every time there's a new post count on thread.
I've been cautiously pleased with the episodes and storyline this season--well, except for the sucking void of the darkness. I don't like the adult actress, and I honestly don't think the writers thought the concept through to a logical end--they're just throwing stuff at the drawing board and hoping something sticks.
But the brothers seem to be clicking again, and that's welcome. I'm sure Misha is enjoying having something else to play besides clueless ineptitude, but I can't say I'm impressed by his Lucifer. Of course he hasn't been given much scope, either.
But yes, I would watch Wayward Daughters with Jody and Claire and Alex--Ellen would have been a kickass addition to that bunch, as would Jo. And Briana's character would need to be part of the ensemble, too. Oooh, concept idea--more women bad guys, for the different ways women would fight or outthink female villains.
Retreating now until I've had a chance to watch Pacific time.
I see these writers watched It Follows last year. They could have at least tried to change it up a bit.
Unrelated: [link]
Oh, Jensen. Mmm.
In other news, [link] !!!
I just got caught up on the last two episodes. Yes, I want the Jody, Clair and Alex show. Plus the deaf gal from a couple episodes back.
But yes, brothers being brothers is happy making.
The thing I loved absolute best--even more than Dean admitting maybe he's not up to dealing with the darkness on his own and Sam telling him "I've got this," which was very, very nice, was Dean's reaction after *finally* winning RPS. Nicely acted, Jensen!