I'm glad you can tell us this stuff, Burrell. It's hard workk, being there for other grieving people, as well as the obviously hard work of being the one who has to clean out mouse nests, etc.
Your doctor's, ita. Jeesh. Glad for the early MRI, at least!
Nothing else gets accomplished today, probably.
Burrell, that's a heavy job.
Happy anniversary Sparky! Happy birthdays to JZ and Hec and JZ's dad.
I can't believe I was on my way home before I'd have been sliding into the original MRI. I don't know if this speeds up the epidural (it takes a while for the steroids to kick in in the mornings, so I had to have Mark Anthony take out my earrings), but I sure would like it.
I have been assuming it's outpatient.
Fuck, it better be outpatient.
Relatedly, I have got to clear out my spare room this weekend, and I think most of the stuff in there is still my grandmother's.
I hope it's all stuff that's easy to sort and throw out or donate. Sentimental items can be tricky.
I am pretty sure the epidural is outpatient, ita. My cousin's wife has had several, so I can ask her. She's coming up with Bob this afternoon, which I take as a sign that's she's feeling well these days as the 2 hour drive can be hard if her back is in pain.
I can't stop thinking about mortality these days. Another childhood friend's parent died--I was considering going back for the service but then it became all about my disc. My parents, their wishes, their deaths, their things, dealing, not dealing...
I'm sorry ita, that's rough. My condolences.
I hope it's all stuff that's easy to sort and throw out or donate.
I'm afraid I dealt with that level of stuff already, but literally have no idea, as I have been ignoring it all for six months!
My parents, their wishes, their deaths, their things, dealing, not dealing...
Uh huh.
Yeah, we're right at that age--too young to say out loud you're thinking about your own, but old enough you're feeling surrounded.
Nothing But Static's 10 most inconsolable cancellations: [link]
Poor Tim.
Apparently Joss verbed Google on TV. ALL HIS FAULT.
My parents said we were gonna discuss estate-type stuff while my siblings were around, but we never did. Oops. Oh well, I know they have plans in place and have a vague idea what they are. With luck it won't be an issue for a while yet...
I read this [link] wrong the first time and thought the guy said he was offering to drive drunk. But no--drive drunk people. And he helped a DUI driver confess and see justice, and tangentially led me to this site [link] where you can get "because I said I would" promise cards you can fill in, which I think is very interesting. I need more and more to keep me committed to anything, really. There's a lot of pointlessness going around.