Babybon is very good-- he's not sleeping through the night, but his sleep hygiene is pretty good. He just learned social smiling, which is so gratifying, I can't even say. He is getting more expressive lately, making more varied sounds. Very cute.
And we are buying a house! After six months of hunting we close in three weeks.
Already with the social smiling! Wow!
And congrats on the house
Whoo! That's a lot of good stuff, bon. Social smiling is very gratifying -- I think that's when they start to become less helpless yet demanding creature and more actual human being.
Dag, bon -- living the dream!
Jesus, ita, like you needed one more thing! Can you just get adamantium replacement parts for everything?
PS: I would be interested in more pictures of BonBob, Jr.
I'm glad the steroids helped, ita, and I hope they keep working for a good long while.
YES, also what Jesse said! Very much so.
Plus Bob got tenure, which we literally found out one hour after putting in the offer-- thankfully since the house is in the same suburb as his school. Sorry for absconding with All The Luck, guys!
I have tons of pics but I'm always afraid of littering facebook with the scourge of your-kids-are-not-as-cute-as-you-think-they-are. But I will post one for you!
I feel like up to one picture/video per day in the first year of life is fine!
Congrats to Bob!!
bon bon, a belated congratulations! Facebook has hasn't been showing me my entire friends list lately, and I somehow managed to miss that you had a baby!