Enjoy Ecuador!!!
I managed to stay on east coast time! It's pre-6AM here and I am up! Well, for values of up that are "brushed teeth and then got back into warm bed to read Internet on phone"). Hoping this will make it easier to get up for tomorrow's flight, and keep me from getting a migraine.
Did I post this here already? For all my big talk this spring about how I don't get jet lag (going to Europe and Africa and back again), going to Vegas last weekend threw me for a loop! I could not sleep past 5:30 any day I was there! Which was especially annoying because I wasn't going to bed especially early. Ah well.
Have fun! Are there sloths in Ecuador?
Have fun! Eat interesting things!
Voted first thing this morning. Very grateful for the new school and its EXCELLENT air conditioning! (It wasn't hot, just…muggy. And since I walk to the polls, nice to be greeted with fresh, cool air, rather than the old stinky school-cafeteria muggy stank.)
Slept like crap last night. I have a ton of work to accomplish today and my motivation is stuck back in bed, hogging the covers.
Darn that motivation. . . so selfish.
Bon voyage! Have fun in Ecuador!
Thank you for looking for sloths!