More intuitively than Ffeatherstonehaugh.
...OK, how do you pronounce that?
I went to my parents' house and scanned about 300 pictures, but we quit when my dad found a whole other box full of loose pictures (we'd done a few, plus all the albums). More tomorrow. Give a good way to be in the parents' house, and vaguely interacting with them ("who the heck is this? It's labeled "Alice and Janice"?") without actually having to come up with conversation, which can get tricky.
Then we went to see the Xmen movie (my sister and BIL and me). It was entertaining, but the plot was...difficult to believe. It did help that my BIL is at least a vague sort of comic nerd, or used to be, so he later was able to explain some of the stuff that I (who never read Xmen) did not get.
Then I discovered that I was just carrying the milk; I had left the steak at the checkout counter.
Oh man, I hate when that kind of thing happens! Dang!
Jesse, all the best to your dad. I hope he can be happy, even if not self-sufficient.
One of my things this summer will be going through my mom's endless boxes of pictures with her. Otherwise it's never going to get done, for one, and there are also photos in there I'd love to see again.
I am fond of Tallafiero. Pronounced Tolliver.
K was at Krav from 12-5 today. ita, she said that Kelly Campbell says hello.
I have accomplished nothing (unsurprisingly!) but I wish I had at least done the laundry.
No wait. I did a load of dishes. And I put patches on scout uniforms.
Also, did anyone else read the Rainbow-Cake Recipe comment saga? Someone did a meta-analysis of the comments on a recipe. hilarious! [link]
My favorite Kimmel/Celebs reading mean tweets was the one from a while back with Jennifer Garner.
"That's not nice."
It was such a mom response.
Ugh, I shouldn't have had those curly fries. Note to self: don't eat curly fries. Ever.
Jesse, I'm sorry. That's tough.
We had a graduation brunch for Emmett today and he did the traditional Opening Of the Gift Cards And Catching Checks and Large Denominational Bills.
It's my theory, which is mine, that British pronunciations are the result of hundreds of years of saying long names while pissed drunk. It's just too much trouble to nunsuch all those sybils.
I did more packing of boxes and cataloguing of ceramics at my sister's place. And then came home all stinky and tired and had to take a bath before dinner.
K was at Krav from 12-5 today. ita, she said that Kelly Campbell says hello.
Atta-K! I'm so jealous. Which does not remind me--do you think I could get back the folder I lent her? I'm forgetting the information in it. Tell her to tell Kelly hi back from me any and all the time.
Man, I found out this guy at old work who was always trying to talk to me trains at the West LA location, so clearly he had his in, because I will talk krav to anyone. But I got laid off before conversation #2! I almost feel sorry for him, but I'm too busy feeling sorry for myself.
So I drew orchids for my mother that I didn't like, so I sent them to her as a "this would have been a tote bag, but I am insecure" not birthday present. After conceding there are no orchids that look like that, she said she was looking forward to receiving her tote bag. Ordered! Just have to work out how to get it to her. One does not simply ship into Jamaica.