Oh tommy, that's so hard. Taking your mom to see him is the right thing to do, even if she can't quite take it all in. I hope however things resolve for your father, that he is comfortable.
And I'm sorry the ER doctor spoke to your brother that way. It wasn't kind.
Hubby forged my signature on the DNR. We'd discussed it a lot, and I thought we'd covered all that in the paperwork. I suspect he didn't want me to have to actually sign that particular paper.
Geez, Tommy, that sounds hard all around. I'm sorry.
Strength to you and yours, tommy. And hospitals have ombudsmen for a reason, so perhaps a strongly-worded letter couldn't hurt.
Yesterday was pretty much a lost day for me, so perhaps I can do better today.
Tom, how awful. ~Ma to you and your fam.
Oof, tommy. That's a lot of suck.
ION, I'm sure you were all waiting anxiously for an update on my tablet situation. It appears both iPad and Surface are expected to come out with swanky new models this fall, that each have some upgraded features I want. So I decided to pick up a (relatively-speaking) cheapy Kindle Fire. That at least covers me in the interim, gives me NFL Mobile**, and lets me try out the 7". If it turns out it meets my needs, great. If not, I can always sell it or give it to my sister for X-mas.
**Important since I'm thinking about dropping my satellite service.
ETA: this brings my Kindle total up to 4. One of them is broken, though.
Well, I got the grocery shopping out of the way (and moved the car for street cleaning, so bonus) so already the day is more productive than yesterday.
Oh lord more work drama. So we already went through how my manager quit abruptly two weeks after his manager was fired. So things are a little weird. The person I report to now is great, but she already has like seven jobs and we got added to her plate.
Now we've had a brand new CMO start. Who already caused waves when she sent out a "thank you for your welcome" email detailing everything she'd done in her first two weeks and listing virtually every group under her mandate - but leaving our team completely off the list.
Then I get a call on Tuesday from one of my counterpart team leads Katie, who is in tears after new CMO jumped in on a project and basically strong-armed Katie's team out of the project and when Katie tried to tell her that it's our protocol that Katie's team leads a project like this, said "I don't care what fucking game you're trying to play, this is how we will manage this". I talked Katie down some, got my manager looking into it, and it looks like that is settling down.
Except now I got a meeting request from someone on Katie's team wanting a call to ask for "advice." I don't have a good feeling about where this is going.
Yikes, brenda.
And tommyrot, I'm so sorry. Peace and strength to you all.
Me, I have an interview today. I decided not to wear my suit: it looks way too much like I'm looking for work. So the color-block dress it is, now if I can only find a jacket that goes with it...