My not awesome neighbors are moving. So of course on Saturday they were guests at a wedding at work. And were annoying and made me want to cry. I wish that tree had smooshed them. Yes, yes I do, I am that horrible. At least the husband.
And since I know their voices, as I sat in the front office they were all I could hear.
And I got to hear how Mr. Neighbor would do my job, which was par for the course and completely against my moral compass, but of course I'm a daft fool for thinking otherwise.
We're like opposites! Congrats on being rid of them!
For fuck's sake. Someone stole my license plates (and holders).
Well, I'm done for today. I called the police station and apparently you can't report these things remotely so I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning when the traffic settles.
Well that's... stupid. I hate shit crimes like that. Maximum inconvenience, minimal recourse for you. I'm sorry.
I wish I had awesome neighbors to miss. I'll miss their snow plow for the driveway. But I'll not miss the fear of owing them a favour. I'm still getting heckled for every little observance he makes of me, which doesn't help with my reclusiveness.
Jesus, ita, I'm sorry! Happened to me once, and it sucked.
Seriously, ita? What a ridiculous PITA for you! Like you needed one more thing.
Also I totally thought the first Black president would be a Republican (Powell or Rice) because enough Dems would cross over to make history.
Well, I'm re-ordering my back holder: [link] and will kust have to work on a front holder to replace the one I lost.
This is ridiculously petty and not petty and it's the sort of thing that fires off a migraine or the bulging disc pain (currently both), so I'm going to have to try and zen my way out, lacking abortives...
One of the few krav guys I keep in touch with went on a ten day Indian Buddhist meditation course, and he swears it's like Life 2.0, coping mechanisms unlocked. I'd take it right now if I could.
OMG, I'm so dopey -- I just made a blueberry pie, and was smart enough to put foil on a cookie sheet, but then I put the sheet on a different rack from the pie plate. So it was hard to take out and I still got spilled-over blueberry juice on the bottom of the oven. Ah well.
you can't report these things remotely
What, they want to see in person that the license plates aren't actually still on your car?