Wow Sue, that leave thing is great, although I am sorry your family needs taking care of.
I never really know what people do here in terms of leave for family members. Since I am an only child and I have an uncle who has no children and no spouse and another uncle whose son is sort of estranged, I probably should check it out.
THis is a video of a man playing Lorde's Royals on the trombone for his cows: [link] It is pretty cute and weird.
At the very very very end of the video he plays this other little ditty that I remember the trombones playing all the time in marching band. Does it have a name?
Test for dead spots and emission leakages in your microwave with lightbulbs: [link]
Dentist visit went way better than anticipated. No fillings, just a treatment for his molars (since the boy sprouts cavites like whoa). phew!
Now I need to go back to researching new/used cars, and figuring out where to get the Malibu painted. Oy!
OK, Ravelry, why all the chat about porn sites?
I think I like these people.
Basically stop drinking tea: [link]
Brenda, it's you who knows the Rishi person, right? Well, they pass.
I tried the low gly dark chocolate cookies with cherries instead of cranberries (the recipe calls for chocolate chips, but I don't like them), and it tastes much better. Enough that I will start doubling the recipe, because making 11 cookies at once is not getting me anywhere.
Someone at work sent out an email announcing an optional session about being a good ally to the LGBT community. Someone responded (to the entire list), "Since it is now known that the most ardent discriminations are not against the categories that you have mentioned—but, rather, are aimed at Atheists, could you include that in your training sessions and discussions?"
People are pretty shitty to/about atheists, but maybe that could be a separate topic instead of folding it into LGBT.