Oh that's heartbreaking, sarameg. Her poor parents!
Also kudos, Connie! I have been your obverse today and studiously avoided all the truely onerous tasks waiting for me. Did some writing instead, so yay! Am now drinking red wine and planning on getting a bit more writing in before dinner. DH won't be home until 9 or so, so dinner will be heat up X for I and Y for F and decide if I want to eat.
Oh christ, I probably do. From reporter Justin George's twitter: Just spoke with 3-year-old McKenzie Elliott's father who was on the bus coming back from work at Cheesecake Factory to take her to the pool.
[when he got the news]
Oh, god, sarameg. That's just about the worst thing that could happen to a person. Poor little girl, poor parents. How heartbreaking.
Oh, man. That is just a tragedy, Sara. I am sorry for all.
So many feelings, fear not anywhere in there. Even if it isn't the dad and daughter pair I've crossed paths with, that is irrelevant. It was a daughter waiting to go swimming with her dad. I hope our community comes together for them.
Oh, Sara, that's so awful. Just heartbreaking.
I just called 911 to report what I'm 99% sure was 2 rounds of gunshots that sounded like they were south of our house. I don't know how far the sound of gunshots travel, so I don't know how far away, realistically, they could have been.
I'm not particularly feeling unsafe, although, yeah, home invasions happen. But it's most likely drug/gang activity. (Which, I should clarify, I'm not happy about, but what I mean is, they're targeting each other, not homeowners. I don't feel like I'm in danger from random violence, but I still wish like hell it would stop.)
I get it. I never have felt unsafe in my hood, but I am definitely known as the hyper vigilant, yell at kids and drunk pissers and go to when a less trigger happy friend wants to know whether 911 or311. (911, unless it is trash.) I always dial 911.
But we definitely have drugs and gangs on the periphery, always finding places to encroach. I'd like there not to be a periphery at all. Tonight wasn't my street because this hood pushes it out pretty effectively ( because I'm not the only asshole busybody.)And it landed on a 3 year old's porch.