I thanks for making feel less of a nutcase for getting upset at work. Coworker actually asked if I was PMSing. She's one that I can never get to understand where I'm coming from, even though I love her and is a great ally in most things. I think it's in part because she's more on the ED's side than mine, and I'm more critical of the ED and his true motivations and sincerity.
So I had teased him last week about going out on the grounds to look at something other than the artwork. Coworker thought that was hilarious and good that I needled him on that. Then this week he said he needed to get out of the house, so they went for a walk together outside and went to the rose garden. She was trying to point out how lovely the roses looked while he was critiquing how the lighting on the sculpture was off, it was all he could see.
She wonders why, despite what a lovely man he (makes you think he) is, I mistrust him and doubt him and think the worst of his intentions and motivations.
I don't think so, but I'll investigate. My first three were tiny tiny ticks that I found on my thighs and ankles. The downside of living surrounded by woods and cats who go in and out.
Good luck with the mystery interview, ita!
Oh, sweet Adderall XR, how I have missed you.
I think it's going to be time to go to bed before it cools off enough for my to do yardwork today. There's not a tin left to do, but digging up the one clump is not going to be easy, so it'll have to wait until I have more leisure time to address it.
I think there's some stuff you can put on the back of your neck once a month to prevent that.
Wait, that's dogs. How is it we have to keep putting on bugspray like chumps? Who's got the opposable thumbs in this relationship anyway?
Right? I want something to dab on the back of my neck, and I promise not to lick it off.
I have met people who put Advantage (maybe Frontline, it was a while back) on their heads and swear it works to keep ticks off.
The Gaza situation, since I am not a parent, is how I'm beginning to understand why mothers say "I don't *care* who started it. Stop it."
I'd love to do that with Advantage or Frontline but am afraid.
Grace has another doc appointment tomorrow at UCLA. This is her 4th doc appointment of the week. AND she will have surgery next Tuesday which will be her 5th surgery since we started summer vacation. (Also, another fun fact, we drove 4200+ travel miles - vs. commuting miles or appointment miles -- this month).
I am sooper tired right now.
My friend K is watching Sex in the Wild (last night's ... Inspiration) and messaging me.
She's more disturbed by the dissection of the road kill and the presenters enthusiasm for kangaroo sex than the echidna masturbation. She's just weird.