Nothing~ma, Pix!
How much would I love to blow off work with meara today? So much. I should take advantage of not having anything super pressing today to work on some of the projects that I've been bemoaning I didn't have time for, and ultimately that's what I'll do today, but I sure don't want to.
My deadlines are all wonky this week. Less priority on most stuff but it still needs to get done. Way too much effort involved in keeping motivated.
I want to go to karate today, but after the last two days I'm wondering if I should allow more time for my body to get used to the med or if I should just power through.
I found it a few weeks ago but haven't mentioned it because I didn't want to think about it too much. My doc thinks probably a lipoma, nothing to worry about, but I'm going to have an abdominal ultrasound to make sure. Feeling a bit better about it. Thanks for the -ma.
~ma, Pix. Lipoma sounds right. They can be quite uncomfy if in a place that gets irritated.
Just declared myself on break from work. It has been NON STOP since I started at 7am. 6-1/2 hours of go go go is quite enough. And my phone helper leaves in half an hour. My tech helper's mom passed away on Sunday so I have been working extra hard for a couple weeks covering for her too. Whine Whine Whine.
I had to give up on driving to NY and am flying out on Tuesday. I'll have to postpone the sight seeing and friend visiting I had planned for the road trip for the return trip.
I am so full of nope today, re: work. And possibly re: life.
Ditto. And my coffee didn't work this morning! On the upside, I just had ice cream for lunch while listening to our interns talk about their summers, and each one was more adorable than the last. Cute!
I think I forgot to take my morning allergy meds today. Which on the one hand means I was feeling good enough to not realize I needed them, but on the other means I am a little sniffly now. Oh well.
I am so full of nope today, re: work. And possibly re: life.
Yep. I'm tired and my right eye won't stop twitching. Tomorrow I have meetings running from 10:30am to 8pm because I have to accommodate too many time zones. I'll be leaving early on Friday in revenge.
That is way too long a stretch of meetings.
Nothing~ma, Pix.
I had a Skype interview today. I'm a solid expert in one learning management system; unfortunately, they use a different one. I found this out in the first two minutes of the interview, so I'm afraid it made me a little off-balance for the rest. I'm not feeling terribly confident.
I'm not booked the whole time, so I'll have a chance to grab dinner and pootle around a bit, but I'm having a hard time motivating myself today since I've got such a long haul tomorrow.