I am so full of nope today, re: work. And possibly re: life.
Yep. I'm tired and my right eye won't stop twitching. Tomorrow I have meetings running from 10:30am to 8pm because I have to accommodate too many time zones. I'll be leaving early on Friday in revenge.
That is way too long a stretch of meetings.
Nothing~ma, Pix.
I had a Skype interview today. I'm a solid expert in one learning management system; unfortunately, they use a different one. I found this out in the first two minutes of the interview, so I'm afraid it made me a little off-balance for the rest. I'm not feeling terribly confident.
I'm not booked the whole time, so I'll have a chance to grab dinner and pootle around a bit, but I'm having a hard time motivating myself today since I've got such a long haul tomorrow.
Big fat no to serving me John Mayer on my Janelle Monae station, Pandora!
Timelies all!
Feeling kinda meh. Not sick, not tired per se, just kinda blah.
Ugh, I just realized that Macy's shipped part of my order via UPS because they attempted delivery today and failed, and I can't work from home tomorrow.
The USPS guy managed to deliver the OTHER package they sent, so clearly my ongoing feud with the UPS guy continues.
Still better than FedEx. Miss that delivery and they make you go to Skokie to pick it up.
Ugh. So in West Coast Swing, one of the big things is to compete in what they call "Jack and Jills", where everybody enters, then you pull a partner and have to dance to whatever song the DJ plays. And if you win you get points, and there are different levels based on how many points you have. But currently, in most competitions, boys have to lead and girls have to follow, and you can't do the opposite. So some people are just screwed and can't compete (because they are girls who only lead or boys who only follow) or they're just stuck in one side that may not be their favorite. There's a dude in Portland who is a REALLY good dancer--he's rocketing his way up the categories as a lead, but he's an even better follow. And he's started a whole movement to get people to allow gender-neutral Jack and Jills. And dear god, the amount of "but it's not RIGHT" and "there's a sexual component you take away when you do that!" and so on is just exhausting and depressing. Like, it's OK for a 50 year old man to dance with a 13 year old girl, in these comps, but god forbid I dance with my girlfriend because it's not sexual enough???
It's just one more depressing reminder that there are TONS of people out there who probably think they aren't homophobic (or racist, or sexist, or) and yes so, so are. Ugh.