I'm not sure what my sabbatical plans are either.
Originally we were supposed to do time at folks' places, then debrief at this retreat center our friends run out in Kentucky, then time in Springfield at the gym we like, a recording session in Kansas, and then mostly home. But we're in such rough shape that we called off the gym already.
(I have a cold with a persistent cough. The Biscuit just had to have surgery because he swallowed a large bone whole. The SO just found out he needs major oral surgery.)
It is a rough start, to be sure.
Ooof. I'm sorry. Sounds like a tricky start.
Yeah, but we would love to see you, so I'll see how things go. We have the whole year.
Timelies all!
Relatively cool here.(High 70s/low 80s for the high today. For late July that's downright chilly.)
Sounds like a general break is in order, Liese.
And how. I kept saying I just needed to survive until sabbatical, but I don't suppose I expected to be all revved up once it actually started. I just have to survive until the end of sabbatical, and maybe it'll be better by then? I dunno.
Or maybe it won't be better (this is coming from someone who is just making it through the Worst Summer Break EVER) but you'll be able to handle what is going on because of sabbatical.
I'm a little disappointed about having to get a medical jury exemption, but I need an attendant and it would just get too complicated.I would make a great juror, I think.(well, unless you wanted to get home early...those people would really hate my crippled ass by the end of it all, guaranteed)
Yeah, you totally had Not A Break At All.
I hope so. I'm pretty sure I can't handle things too much worse than I am right now. So it had better be better. Whic reminds me, I need to go start working on my psych screening.
I did enjoy my walk down to the harbor with the cool breeze. And I read a lot of Atlantic articles online (thank god for free wifi in the courts.) But I sure as hell would hate a multiweek trial. Of course, the one time I was seated, Dumbest Case Ever. I hated everyone in that case, both for what lead to it and for fucking wasting our time with complete bullshit. They all should have just kept taking turns beating up on each other (they sucked at causing actual injury) and putting up defamatory graffiti.
So that soured me a bit.