There is often an age limit where they can opt out preemptively-was just talking about this to my mom. At 69, she's not yet eligible in NM, but they've got a monthlong window where you have to call up everyday and she has a hernia surgery scheduled in that window- after she had to defer because of travel. And she had the same problem a couple years ago . It's like they find a warm body and weight it.
You might also cite medical.
And don't feel bad. I mean, my dad basically detailed a possible stroke in email to mom and it took him 2 weeks to see a goddamned doctor, even with us hectoring him ( and he kinda didn't talk to me for a bit..) It's hard.
Oh, lisa, I'm sorry. I remember her.
I think I did the math once on LA County jury summons and you have a good chance of being called annually.
She'd held on pretty well, more or less, even after it metastasized to her brain a couple of years ago.
Cancer is so brutal. I'm particularly hateful of brain cancer. I'm sorry.
It's 74 degrees F and 53% humidity. Perfect weather.
And I went "gack! That's so humid!" That's the difference with a desert.
I'm so sorry, lisah. I'm glad she got some time after the cancer metastasized to her brain, at least. Fuck you, cancer.
Oh lisah, I'm sorry. That's hard.
Cancer is so brutal. I'm particularly hateful of brain cancer. I'm sorry.
Also this.
I've been called for jury duty about 3 times since moving back into this house.
And Consuela, I send you much ~ma. I've been in the place where you are now, dealing with one aging parent and then another. It's so hard, and you handle it with such strength.
It's so hard, and you handle it with such strength
Heh. There's a reason I didn't walk the dogs tonight (and oh how I wish that noun wasn't now plural), and I've already had an extra glass of wine.
I think I need to go watch some Stargate...
I'm running through my Stargate: Atlantis discs. Plus I've got lots of NCIS and Dirty Jobs and 2 seasons of Bones.
Sometimes the extra glass of wine helps. A lot.
The extra glass of wine is sometimes the crutch we need. For a night.