Tricksy sister, with the stealth exercise! IIRC, gardening is also good for depression and stress (like, actually clinically measurably someone-did-a-study-to-confirm-it good, not just "This sounds truthy!" good).
Such an abundance of happy birthdayness to Plei!
But you know, there's a difference between deliberately "hanging on to" anger and resentment, and just, still actually being very angry and resentful.
Yes! This puts so well what I was trying to say.
I think a lot of people, women especially, feel like they should never be angry, but it is a perfectly cromulent emotion like other emotions.
It's after 2:00, and they just put out the ice cream for the first Ice Cream Friday of the summer.
I may actually survive this week after all.
What are people doing this weekend?
What are people doing this weekend?
Cleaning and cooking tomorrow for Father's Day brunch at our house on Sunday.
Hooray ice cream!
I'm running a 5K on Sunday. Chocolate and champagne at the finish line.
Photography, a BBQ, and pub quiz playoff finals.
What are people doing this weekend?
Dinner with Hil and the family flea tonight! Friends' wedding tomorrow, and Fathers' Day shenanigans on Sunday (it's supposed to be hot as hell AND thunderstorming, and Tim's dad REALLY wants to grill out, which is fine, as long as I can sit in the dry, air-conditioned house).
What are people doing this weekend?
I think I'm watching Amadeus tonight because it's expiring from Netflix Instant. Saturday probably will be groceries and decluttering. I'm meeting people for brunch on Sunday.
I have a picnic planned for Monday, so lots of baking and cleaning the house in case it rains. In between moaning about my tooth and freaking out about an interview.