My dad was salt and pepper by the time he was 30; my mom is a typical redhead who just gets lighter and got white blonde at her temples when my brother was stressing her out in high school.
My hair, undyed, is like everything else about the combination of their genetics expressed in me: no one thing in my appearance (except my legs) screams total dominance from one or the other. Both sides of the family envy my nose (roman on one side, pointy ski jump on the other.)
I think I popped a bunch more white hairs since I lost my job. I didn't think I was that stressed out, but I guess my hair disagrees.
I didn't get any white hair when I lost my job and was planning the wedding, but I did lose way more hair than normal. Now that it's been a year, I think it's all grown back.
You guys! YOU GUYS! So I just took my niece to see cirque du soleil (varekai) and it was so amazing. She does aerial silks, so she was super worked up about it. So much fun. I was basically tense the entire time, though.
I think your hair looks GREAT.
You guys! YOU GUYS! So I just took my niece to see cirque du soleil (varekai) and it was so amazing. She does aerial silks, so she was super worked up about it. So much fun. I was basically tense the entire time, though.
Fun! Matilda wants to do more aerial work at Acrosports. She's actually very monkey-strong at getting up the ropes so that would be a good thing for her.
I would love to do some of the acro stuff (like silks) but know I have nothin like the amount of core or upper body strength it requires.
For my current job I had to take a test that somehow wouldn't run on my Mac, and I told them that so they had me go to the local office and take it. Not sure what they would've done if there wasn't a local office, though!
Yay property brothers and wine! Boo having to take over your dad's dog, Consuela.
I had not one but TWO good dates tonight! Shocking!!! The first was a fairly brief semi-blind date, and she looked nothing like her pictures, but she was still cute. And we had a good time talking about books and things, and both said we'd like to hang out again. Not sure if it'll happen--apparently I was her first Internet date?? She just got out of a relationship of 8 years about six months ago, it sounded like. But still, I've had much worse dates. And then the second one ( which I got to on time!) was a second date, and it was fun and we had good cocktails and walked on the beach and there was kissing. Yay. Again, dunno that it'll go much more, she's kind of a player, but it was still good times (at one point we were looking up pangrams on Wikipedia and deciding our new favorites)
Aw, that's way better than sitcom-y shenanigans.
Good dates are good.
I should clean today but do not want to. My birthday has flipped from doing things I want to doing things my kids want to do for me. Yesterday they invited one of their friends over for cupcakes. Ummmm thanks?
Two blocks up the street, they're going to have a festival today, and there's already a fried dough truck setting up. I know where I'm going today....
Got in a good hour or so of weeding in. It is not as hot today as I had feared it would be, but I just heard thunder so I'm coming inside for a bit.
ETA yard still looks weedy, but I can see there's progress