Timelies all!
After dinner I will be packing, as we are heading out tomorrow on our way to ConCertino in Boxborough, MA. We're making a stop at my parents' house(to see if there is anything else I want from my old room), where there is no wi-fi. Hopefully the con hotel has plenty of free wi-fi.
One of our client's web servers is still not working. We have no direct access to it so we just gotta wait for their IT guys to fix it.
ETA: their IT guy went home to work from there so I get to go home and not work. Yay, until tomorrow.
One of the tricks to BBQ is that in most cases, the less money spent on the building the better the food is. Today I bought lunch from a shack in a gravel parking lot next to a liquor store.
OMV in Louisiana
Really? I never noticed that. And I took Driver's Ed in Louisiana, you'd think we'd have learned that.
Successfully got my the microwave out of the shed and into the kitchen. Clock works, that's a good sign.
I'm trying to help my sister buy a car. I haven't bought a car since 1998. I'm so confused.
I don't know what to tell you, Ginger. Buying a car sounds daunting.
The grill setting seems to heat up, and I have successfully defrosted a couple of frozen peaches with the microwave setting, so I think the oven is working. Sometime when I have space in my schedule I'll see about taking the non-working one out of the wall (it's just sitting in an alcove, not really built in) and find out what fits there.
buying someone else's sounds worse.
I wish the powerpoint I just edited had fewer pictures of wounds and crazy infected holes in the skin on people's butts.
This made me laugh. Sophia, have you heard of the app Figure 1? It's like Instagram but for medical professionals. They take pics of patients and post with commentary. Grace's nurse loves it.