Is there an option for "surly and efficient"?
Send me your most competent yet misanthropic employee!
I feel like crap. One of these humans tromping through my house has probably given me a virus.
I have to vacuum and get stuff off the floor and out of the way before the carpet suckers arrive. Yet I wish to go back to bed.
Adulting is actually really easy: just do all the shit you don't want to do, and don't do any of the shit you do want to do until the other shit is done. Also, the other shit is never done.
brenda, that is totally awesome! I love hockey for this reason.
I think I may have eaten too many cherries.
I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I'm not sure if this is a glee hangover and my throat is sore from screaming, or if I'm coming down with something now that I've relaxed a bit from job stress and playoffs anxiety.
Also Kane and Toews beards are awful! They should not grow beards!
You're not wrong. Everyone's excited for playoffs beards to be gone. They are a blight.
Carpet cleaners are here. One is telling me what kind of carpet to buy when I get a new one, and the other one is telling me about his five cats. I guess I just have to accept that this is my life now.
Ginger... I got nothin'. That's just horrible.
You're not wrong. Everyone's excited for playoffs beards to be gone. They are a blight.
I am watching The Bridge and they are reminding me of this guy: [link]
Also, is there anywhere here to talk about The Bridge? Is it cable drama. We need a thread to talk about old shows (note-- I am not proposing one)
And they're gone already! That was fast. Five-cats guy vacuumed my cat trees with the super-sucker vacuum, so they're cleaner than they've ever been.
The cats seem suspicious of this "clean" nonsense.