I realize the vast diversity of people and total lack of caring about me are part of why I prefer the lower-class beach to higher-class ones, but I'm sure those things are true everywhere
This is also why I'm perfectly comfortable in a bikini in Mexico. Because (a) most people there are like 60-something and (b) they're strangers IDGAF If they see my belly and judge. I'm slightly less comfy at a beach with my friends, but again...they're my friends. And many of them are big on the health at any size thing, so they're all for it. And if someone doesn't find me attractive eel, better they figure that out before we are naked?
And if someone doesn't find me attractive eel,
You are a very attractive eel, meara!
Hah, that should be "attractive, well"
The older I get, the more territory I want covered when I'm out swimming, but that has to do with sun protection, not vanity. I still wear a bikini most of the time, but I wear a rash guard and board shorts over it. Hoping to avoid any more skin cancer.
"put down the pills" and change the diets of kids with ADD and be stricter parents and things would be better.
That makes me gnash my teeth. At this point, I am fairly certain that my daughter has ADHD but the inattentive type. Which means it interferes with her studying but not with her behavior at school, so the school has no compelling reason to officially "identify" it, hence she still is without a diagnosis and therefore without any form of treatment. Her doctor recommended getting a Dx outside the school system, but that would cost us $8000. Ugh.
I think what hobby magazines of Hubby's don't sell I'm going to take to a firepit in the park and ceremonially burn.
Public speaking, I got no problem with! Other peoples' bodies, IDGAF what they wear. My body in public in a swimsuit, no. I bought one, a couple summers ago, and wore it once in my niece's hot tub, and that was it. I haven't made my peace with being fat, yet.
meara, I didn't know you were an eel, that's cool. Now when someone talks shit about eels, I can say, "Hey! One of my best friends is an eel!"
I need to find my swimsuit, make sure it's presentable for poolsitting.
Oh god, I have an article return from a special snowflake author who actually asked me "Why did you change 'relationship' to 'association' without providing a justification for doing so?" I'm not even kidding.
THAT'S NOT HOW EDITING WORKS YOU BOOB. I don't need to justify my skilled work in making your confusing-ass paper make sense OH MY GOD JUST FUCK OFF.
"ADD didn't exist until it was created for the DSM2."
Only in the sense that before ADD there was Hyperactivity, and before that Hyperkinesis, and before that Minimal Brain Dysfunction, and before that Minimal Brain Disorder. That gets us back to the 1920's with a name change every 15 years.
Changing the names of things gives an illusion of progress with very little expenditure of effort. That makes it a popular option.
That makes me gnash my teeth. At this point, I am fairly certain that my daughter has ADHD but the inattentive type. Which means it interferes with her studying but not with her behavior at school, so the school has no compelling reason to officially "identify" it, hence she still is without a diagnosis and therefore without any form of treatment. Her doctor recommended getting a Dx outside the school system, but that would cost us $8000. Ugh.
Huh. There should be someone other than a pediatric neuropsych who can do it. Our pediatrician's office has an NP who specialises in it.