Matt, I find that even funnier with the thankfully gone spraying. Looks so bewildered.
Loki was being a PITA so let him out at the witching hour. Mistake. I had to fetch him from yard across the street, howling. He never has crossed the street before. He's still being an ass.
I predict him thrown out of the room at five am.
Just put Hubby's old military history and plastic modeling magazines on eBay. I'd like to see a fair amount for them, but primarily I want them to go to people who will go "Oh, yes, cool!" instead of into the recycling bin. He dragged them around the world since the '70s, I'd like to see them appreciated.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Then when I went to go buy another one a year later? No longer made. Like it never even existed. *poof*
Oh, no! What a pain.
I feel a sudden urge to buy six dozen bras and horde them like a lingerie obsessed dragon. They'd make a more comfortable nest than gold.
I hope you find a good home for them, Connie. My sister and I had a similar issue with Dad's rock collecting supplies and the collection itself. Everything was so heavy we didn't see how anyone would be willing to pay shipping for it. Luckily the one cousin who bothered to come to the funeral was also an earth sciences teacher, and she was thrilled to take everything for her classroom.
I carried Melisa's stuff, what was left with me, around with me in 12 moves across three states and 20 years. I slowly let go of some of it, bit by bit. Two days ago, I dropped off her little Mission-style maple desk at the ASPCA thrift shop. She'd be happy the money from her desk will go to help the cats and dogs. I thought I'd cry, leaving it there, but I was relieved. There are still some small things, but that's the last of the large pieces that were hers. I'll keep a couple things that I can look at with fondness instead of sorrow, but it's time to pull it all out and give it to someone who can use it and enjoy it, instead of keeping it packed in boxes or sitting around holding bad memories.
Twenty years. Seems impossible. Man, she would have loved the Internet.
Timelies all!
Concert was good, except for having to stand the whole time.(As we bought the tickets two weeks ago, we ended up on the "party deck", where there are few chairs.) My lower back is not happy.
{{Zen}} That is good to read. Recognizing that it is time to do the thing that was impossible before, well done.
My get up and go has got up and went.
Everyone, please send a good thought that my bilingual coworkers are finishing the one thing I need done today, so I don't have to half-ass my way through it! Otherwise, my finishing-up work today was pretty painless.
Good for you, Zen.
And fingers crossed for you Jesse that your coworkers come through.
I need a project for my peoples today, or all will go to hell in a handbasket soon. Ugh. I am promoting exercise of some sort based on last weekend's hike.
I was starting to get anxious because I haven't heard anything yet, but it's not even 2! Plenty of time.
Maybe I'll go to the supermarket.