Not a volcano injury!
I read Ask A Manager, and today they are talking about choosing college majors. Someone recommended taking a test to find out your "Holland Code", which I did even though I am not choosing a major. Mine is ASI (Artistic, Social and Investigative), which makes a lot of sense. Also, there are, like 2 jobs for that type (Drama Teacher and English Teacher)! I think though that they might not have theatre jobs classified right, because I think that that type is probably the right type for designers/directors.
On top of everything else this week, my neighbor (in the same building) has bedbugs. The neighbor where we get ALL of Aeryn's clothes because they have a daughter 18 months older than her.
Yay! glasses! Boo! bedbugs!
I'm balanced on SO wanting this day to be over, and trying to stuff about four more hours into it, needed to finish what I'm working on. I know, impossible. I don't care. Somebody, make it so.
Yay glasses! Being able to see is better than having bedbugs.
Yay glasses! Go away, bedbugs!
I am having an angry day. Therefore, I am having a cookie. A huge, walnut chocolate-chip oatmeal cookie. It doesn't make me less angry at the world, but it makes me a little happier inside myself. Specifically, my stomach. My stomach is happy.
Having glasses or having cookies, both better than having bedbugs.
That batch of cookies was very small, and I'm being irrational and snarfing the whole thing in 24 hours WITHOUT SHAME. With bravado.
For a limited time only, Misha Collins sends me a warning [link redacted].
Hilarious, ita.
Not so hilarious are bedbugs.
I don't know what I would do with glasses since I can't hold onto a pair of sunglasses for more than a month or two.