Holy crap, Steph!
Now I feel bad about my bubonic plague joke.
Nope nope nope. You assessed that Tim would only take off sick for something major and you were spot-on CORRECT. Gallows humor is acceptable under these circumstances. Not that this helps you with freaking out, but hair pats and no blame here.
Oh, Steph, how scary. I'm glad he's getting help.
Please don't beat yourself up over this, Steph. You're doing everything right. You are a good wife, and a good person.
When he got home from work, he said he was short of breath and coughing and just felt crappy, and I guessed respiratory virus. I expected the Urgent Care doctor to say it was allergies, until she listened to his lungs and said "There's not much movement on the right side; let's get an x-ray." So then I thought pneumonia. Sheesh. Totally collapsed.
Holy crap, Tim! Also, eek, lockdown! Poor Teppy--nobody needs EXTRA stress like that! :( I hope the reinflation goes easily.
Which screws up the scheduling of AP exams, since students in places with August-May schedules get an extra month to prepare for the exams, and students in places with September-June schedules have less time to prepare, but then an extra month or month and a half at the end of the school year when the teachers need to figure out something for them to do that will keep them interested, since the students know that they won't be tested or graded on that material.
Hah--we still had finals, in June. So we had to be ready for the AP and then the teachers would come up with something else to do for a month, that they could test us on.
I think I threatened to punch someone who tried to keep me out of an ER. That was quite a while ago, and the ER wasn't in lockdown at the time, but I know your feelings, Teppy. Thank deity for a straightforward fix, but I know you're going to mounting vigil over Tim's thoracic cavity for a while.
Oh, man! Poor Tim -- good thing you guys went to the hospital, and good thing you were able to go with him, even if you aren't able to be with him right this minute.
The way to uncollapse a lung is to apparently put a chest tube in the chest cavity (not the lung) that removes the air around the collapsed lung, so it can inflate.
I'm kind of excited that I totally knew that because of [recent pop culture spoiler]:
Mad Max!
Hah--we still had finals, in June. So we had to be ready for the AP and then the teachers would come up with something else to do for a month, that they could test us on.
Oh yeah, we had that, too.
Teppy, how scary, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with the extra stress of the lock down on top of everything. Don't feel bad about the joke; it just proves you really know Tim well.
Jesse, I had your same spoilery thought.
So in scanning job listings to try and find a job that I don't have a moral objection to, and maybe something with a better commute, I found something promising. I looked up their location, and somewhat hilariously, they're located in the building next to the one I currently work in.