I don't line dry anything. My dryer has a little shelf I can put in it to dry stuff that is supposed to lay flat, everything else tumbles dry, bras included. I have tried hanging stuff to dry on a rack and find it impractical. Have not noticed any shrinking or other damage.
My "red" loads include purple and sometimes yellow (if it's a bright yellow. I don't know, it seems to work out okay)
Fleece is never gonna shrink, Tep. It will melt before it shrinks. OTOH, it should not absorb much water and should dry quickly on its own.
Stay safe Texas.
The only things I put in the dryer are socks, towels, and sheets. Everything else goes on racks in the house.
I do laundry about once every three weeks. I'll do three or four loads--whites go together and get hot water, greys go in another washer and blacks in a third, both set for warm wash and cold rinse. Colors get added to the grey or black washer. Everything goes in the dryer unless the label says line-dry.
ION, I had a dentist appointment at 8:00 AM today that I missed because I set my alarm for 7:15 PM. So now I go in next week.
Fleece is never gonna shrink, Tep.
Yeah, I've grudgingly accepted that. At least now that it's summer, I can ignore my fleece for months.
Why am I in such a bad mood? I mean, besides the fact that I overslept and today is my first day back at work after a four-day weekend?
I am editing a paper that talks about Programmed Death Ligand.
That's metal as hell.
The hike yesterday was great! Just about 4 miles or so, 2 miles in and 2 miles back, but Isaac was tired by the end. That boy needs to move a bit more. We finally set up the basketball hoop in the backyard, which helps in that regard as he likes to go out and practice his shot.
I was to just veg out today but somehow wound up on the list to volunteer for the teacher appreciation lunch, so I need to go to Franny's school today.
When do students start their summer vacation these days? For us it was usually around Memorial Day or a few days after.
Here in MA, it's late June -- and this year, it's as late as possible because of snow days. I think they are going to June 30 in Somerville. They don't go back until after Labor Day, though.