The hike yesterday was great! Just about 4 miles or so, 2 miles in and 2 miles back, but Isaac was tired by the end. That boy needs to move a bit more. We finally set up the basketball hoop in the backyard, which helps in that regard as he likes to go out and practice his shot.
I was to just veg out today but somehow wound up on the list to volunteer for the teacher appreciation lunch, so I need to go to Franny's school today.
When do students start their summer vacation these days? For us it was usually around Memorial Day or a few days after.
Here in MA, it's late June -- and this year, it's as late as possible because of snow days. I think they are going to June 30 in Somerville. They don't go back until after Labor Day, though.
School gets out for my kids on June 4th. Yipes! As a parent, summer vacation fills me with dread and anxiety most years. This year I feel oddly at peace with it, at least for now. I'm sure the dread will come but I see no reason to court it.
School ends different times in different places. In the northeast, it's the end of June, but then it doesn't start again until after Labor Day. (Which screws up the scheduling of AP exams, since students in places with August-May schedules get an extra month to prepare for the exams, and students in places with September-June schedules have less time to prepare, but then an extra month or month and a half at the end of the school year when the teachers need to figure out something for them to do that will keep them interested, since the students know that they won't be tested or graded on that material.)
Why am I in such a bad mood? I mean, besides the fact that I overslept and today is my first day back at work after a four-day weekend?
Seems like a perfectly cromulent reason to me.
I dry on a rack anything that says line dry or hang dry or dry flat, along with all my workout clothes (it helps keep the stink down, and helps any lycra/spandex live longer)
I am editing a paper that talks about Programmed Death Ligand.
That would be a great metal band.
As a parent, summer vacation fills me with dread and anxiety most years. This year I feel oddly at peace with it, at least for now. I'm sure the dread will come but I see no reason to court it.
That's good!
I should go do work. Don't wanna. Need to. Problem is I'm home all this week, so most of the work that needs to be done is fiddly little stuff that always gets put off, like printing emails to send to files.
Mac is out of school this Thursday.
Is that like running out of internets?
Work is soooo slow.
Now boss has asked us to do a log of our daily activities. I do not like. Makes me think they are asking for justification for positions.
So related to something I needed to do today, I did a random audit of one day's shipping documents (spreadsheets I do not keep and papers I do not file) we are
Missing one documents and the tracking spreadsheet had information wrong on EVERY SINGLE ENTRY. Jesusita. No good. I know what we will be doing the rest of this week.