Lots of squee inducing stuff in here! I was conventioning all yesterday, so I had a lot to catch up on. Date, kitteh, house, adulting in general, yay!
I should be adulting, but I'm decompressing in my pyjamas after two days of panels and too many people. I find WisCon panels very enjoyable, but I'm too much an introvert to feel comfortable with so many new people. One of my work friends was supposed to be there yesterday and we were going to hang, but she had a low spoons day and bowed out. Other local friends/acquaintances were there, but I constantly felt like I was butting in. I still had a great time; their keynote speaker was Kim Stanley Robinson (whose fic I've never read, I'm afraid to say) and was a very enjoyable speaker on population, climate change, and consumption. I think I'm going to check Overdrive for stuff I can check out of the local libraries.
Cats are weird.
I have to say, she is very spry for an 11-year-old -- she got up on top of my kitchen cabinet! Via the counter, fridge, and door.
Oh, I didn't realize she was such an old lady kitty, Jesse! That is very spry, and cunning.
Askye, yeah, that's why I wasn't too worried the first day or so that the kitten didn't eat. But after three days of only seeming to lick the food, it was not good.
Yay having a good time, Sail!
I was trying to finish reading my book about habits (from the woman who wrote about happiness), because it's a hardback I checked out of the library which is due soon. But then I felt like I should DO something with my day, so I hauled out the ladder and put a few nails in my porch overhang, and hung the LED strand of lights that I bought. So hopefully now they will light up at night and make the patio seem even nicer. Though having tons of people over, all sitting around on the patio was super neat, it was totally how I pictured it being!
Sounds like my old tuxedo cat. He did the same thing. And he liked high spaces that were very narrow; used to scare the shit out of me when he'd pace the handrail at the front of my loft. Twelve foot drop, cat!
Aw, this is sweet:
They look exactly the same!
I miss those folks on my TV. Well, together. Makes me wonder what the characters would be doing 10 years later.
They look exactly the same!
They really do!
Having a harder time being productive today, but plugging away. Time for tea now, though.
Yeah, they both look great.
Things I attempted: buy new bras, buy birdseed, buy new shoes, buy summer tops.
Things that were successful: none of those. And fuck stores that force you to use the new chip in the cards but no alternative if it doesn't work. Which it doesn't, but just at these stores, so it is the reader, not the card.
I am possibly in an ever fouler mood than I was this morning.
Cool! I'm in if I can be home by 8pm for hockey.
I sent you a text but I have two numbers for you and I just chose one. There's a 3pm at the New 400, unless you'd prefer a different theater.