Home is good.
I would like to get another half hour of something productive in today, but I am taking a break to have dinner and watch Game of Thrones.
Oh, hey, I just heard about the camera for dogs, and there it is on Good Stuff already! Neat. Pretty good pictures.
I took the kitten back, since he hadn't eaten and wouldn't take his meds, the vet needed to see him.
I'm sorry meara. Hope he is okay.
I'm sorry, meara. Hope he gets better.
Have done some work work, which I am kind of annoyed with myself for spending ostensible leisure time on, but it should make Tuesday and Wednesday a little easier for me, I hope, and fixed the glides on my dresser enough so the drawers all close, so that's something. lost a lot of ball bearings in the process but I think that's acceptable. I would have liked to have been asleep already, really, but oh well.
I'm awake. Have to get to the pool before 8. Because senior citizens who don't share.
Poor kitten, he's better off with the vets!
Ubering is being very annoying thus morning, I suspect all my potential riders are sleeping in.
Aw, kitten.
I'm about to be concerned about Hazel -- you would think she was settling in great, except she hasn't used the litterbox! So I haven't done a full investigation to see if she's gone someplace else, but either way, I think not a great sign. But she also hasn't eaten or drunk much, either. Eh, transition. I probably should have kept her in one room at first, but did not!
I'm awake. Have to get to the pool before 8. Because senior citizens who don't share.
I laugh because so true. The AM crowd is decidely unsharey.
Change is hard. Settling in vibes for Hazel.
Trying to decide if I am awake in the sense of ready to start the day.