Zen, all families are different, but I feel like your sister should be asking you rather announcing a visit.
Truth. I have to stop telling my mother about plans I make with myself, because she's always trying to invite herself along. I told her she wouldn't like Mad Max....
we are going. we are both dressed and will leave in about 10 min.
still do not wanna. will feel better afterwards probably.
we have never been on a Fri evening class, it may be people all new to us.
I made myself a veggie breakfast burrito and laundry is in the wash. Accidentally made too much, so breakfast burrito in the morning for me. Nothing else productive is getting done tonight.
Today began with driving up to Isaac's school (he had homework that he wanted to finish after breakfast), then about 3 hours pulling weeds in the backyard. Then went into work for a bit to get rec letters out, then zipped back home to pick up Isaac. And then too tired to get back to house cleaning/yard work, so I've been doing laundry and dishes instead. I am so ready to be done with this backyard project, but the back porch still needs cleaning. Ugh.
Man, I have a low tolerance for alcohol in general, and then I started taking Lexapro, which lowers your tolerance more (for a while, but then you regain your former tolerance).
A glass and a half of wine, and I am just flat-out tipsy, bordering on inebriated. What is the scale? Tipsy --> inebriated --> drunk --> shitfaced?
I've been restless today. If I had been home I could have been productive and cleaned all the things. Instead I'm still at work where I can't really do physical work to calm the restlessness.
I just had a minute of sharp stabby pain in my big toe. That toe once had a pin it in, but that was almost 20 years ago. WTF?
Sorry about all the ughs, people.
I am just back from happy hour with a couple of my favorite coworkers and that was legit good times! If I didn't like the people I work with my life would be much poorer.
What is the scale? Tipsy --> inebriated --> drunk --> shitfaced?
Yeah, that sounds right. Maybe a buzzed in between tipsy and inebriated? Or before. I think of tipsy at the beginning of the scale although it does bring to mind tipping over which seems more serious.
She said after checking her receipt to see how many sangrias that was.
Have some good karate, msbelle!
I was about to ask if buzzed came before or after tipsy but -t already went there.
Karated now wings. Now beer? Or wine? Hmmmm