Successful adulting! Got the car inspected, got it registered online, confirmed the amount left on the back taxes (too much for a lump sum), confirmed a bill has been paid off even though I don't see the withdrawal from my bank.
Now it's laundry time! Whee? However, that involves lounging at the Laundromat with fanfic and a Subway sandwich for an hour, so there are upsides.
Pandora, why did you just give me Sk8ter Boi? Seriously. That wasn't okay.
Just trust me on this: Postmodern Jukebox's cover of Sk8ter Boi makes it actually not suck. Seriously: [link]
t edit
Bonus is that the tambourine guy is EVERYTHING.
t edit again
Actually, the Postmodern Jukebox cover that has Tambourine Guy's best performance is Roar: [link] (he's really in it; just not at the very beginning) (it's really worth watching just for him, ISTG).
Is 2:30 too early to leave the office before a long weekend?
Hell no.
OMG I am in love with Tambourine Guy. He's like the anti-Tino.
Tambourine Guy is puppies and sunshine and your favorite beverage all rolled into one bouncy happy rhythmic dude.
OMG- Tambourine Guy is so great I actually teared up a little. I loved when he AND the sax player were dancing!
I guess I will have to get back to that later!
Speaking of getting back to things, the cat rescue people never got back to me. Hmph.
Just trust me on this: Postmodern Jukebox's cover of Sk8ter Boi makes it actually not suck.
Love it!
Still haven't left the office.
Jesse, call them! Tell them you want that cat! They are probably overwhelmed, but they do want to place their kitties.
Is 3:15 too early for day drinking?
Is 2:30 too early to leave the office before a long weekend?
Also NO
Signed left-work-at-one-and-going-to-happy-hour-at-three
It's 4:30 and I am on my way home. I'm totally not doing any more work today, so I may as well go home and do laundry.