Is there a word for a situation that has gone far enough beyond a clusterfuck that clusterfuck isn't strong enough anymore?
That's when your brain wants to claw itself out of your skull and run away screaming (though it has no mouth) just to get away from the utter chaotic multilevel of stupid.
I feel we as a society have lost the true meaning of "clusterfuck". Like "awesome", it has become devalued through casual overuse.
Hey, I propose a new D&D-style alignment grid. Instead of matching Chaotic and Lawful with Good and Evil, let's match them with Stupid and Smart. Chaotic Stupid is what makes everything go to hell in a tasteful coordinated handbag.
Y'all it just started downpouring here which I think means I am skipping lunch. Maybe a larabar.
I have a meeting at 1:30 and the only thing I feel like doing right now is seeing how many ways I can die with the Oregon Trail emulator.
I am so tired for no good-enough reason, and I basically feel hung over, which I am definitely not. And yet I still need to do a crapload of thinking today! I'm going to see if I can half-ass this thing into reasonable shape, and get back to it on Monday.
And yet I still need to do a crapload of thinking today!
Man, thinking is BULLSHIT. (My coffee has betrayed me and I cannot brain today.)
FUBAR is probably right, but I like the sound of Fubartino.
Fubartino has a nice rhythm to it.
Is 3:15 too early for day drinking? I mean, I have white wine and seltzer; I could make a spritzer, which is hardly even drinking alcohol.
Pandora, why did you just give me Sk8ter Boi? Seriously. That wasn't okay.
I've had my meeting. I may have agreed to do more work, but it's the kind of work that eventually makes less work? Preventative work.
Is 3:15 too early for day drinking?
HELL no.
Is 2:30 too early to leave the office before a long weekend?