Burrell's experience is mine.
My concern given the age of the car would be that if the repair is more than the value they may declare it totalled. Which would take the choice out of your hands. (When that happened to me I knew there was no way I could get a car as reliable for the amount the car was officially worth. To avoid having it classified as totaled I had to take a much lower settlement.)
Least delightful insomnia variant ever: dreamed it was 6:30 and the alarm had gone off, David had hit the snooze button, and I knew we only had a couple of minutes until it went off again for real so I had to drag myself up into consciousness to avoid the jolt of the alarm. So I did... and it was, in fact, 3:57 AM, and here I am. Oh, my brain, you evil genius, how I hate you.
Ugh, I hate that, JZ!
meara, someone I know just had her car totalled by the insurance company, but their first offer was half of what it was worth, so she went back with arguments and evidence, and they doubled the settlement. So definitely negotiate.
Oh, JZ I have so many times been visited by Evil Brain, Inc., Insomnia Subsidiary. I wish you a calm uncomplicated day. Or coffee. Whichever comes first.
Insomnia is a big jerk.
As is my cat Oz. I bent down to put on my boots this AM only to discover a puddle on the floor under one of my running shoes. The hardwood underneath was well-soaked with pee. I hope Nature's Miracle is up to the job.
I think my instance may have been complicated by the fact that I was working with a commercial insurance company with several layers of bureaucracy in a different time zone. It sounds like consumer agencies are much less hassle which is good.
Oh, Oz, no. Bad little man.
It'll be a quiet day of database updating, so there's that. I can easily huddle in silence nursing coffee after coffee. Sorry to hear the Evil Brain has attacked you before, Sox. Doing it by way of a dream just seems so underhanded.
Last time my car was in an accident our insurance company recommended a garage to take it to who billed them directly. And the car was going to be totaled at first but we had replaced the engine not long before which brought the value up. I hope your insurance company works with you to make this easy, meara.
Ugh, JZ, that is the worst.
Go Nature's Miracle! Stop that Oz!
I need to have specific identified people that I can flirt with who know it is nothing. You all should send me random friends for that. my old bfs or co workers or now married friends they all get confused.
This reminds me that my flirting skills are getting rusty. Used to flirt bunches at work with guys that were great at it. Not too much anymore. I still flirt with some of the guys DH plays pool with. So much fun with people that know it is for entertainment sake only.
eta: DH absolutely loves to flirt and would be delighted to do so with any takers.
so she went back with arguments and evidence, and they doubled the settlement. So definitely negotiate.
Yes, sometimes it is easy and others you have to argue. They wanted to put off brand parts on DH's truck when he was hit and his body shop had to argue that it was Ford original parts that were broken and that it had to be original parts that replaced them. They did so, but had to be challenged first.
Ugh for insomnia. Got me for a couple hours in the middle of the night. Did some work, read some, then slept in till 8! (after getting up to feed the dog at 6 because she did not have the insomnia)
Timelies all!
Heading to Balticon after lunch today.