There really shouldn't be HIPAA issues if everything is within Kaiser
This. If we're within the facilities for my health insurance organization, why aren't they talking to each other? Several years ago, a clinic was trying to charge a per-page fee for medical records to be transferred to the hospital in the same system. I called up the insurance company, and the rep on the phone said, "We told them to stop doing--um, we're sorry, we'll speak to them about this, there is no charge for records transfer inside the system."
I'm on a search committee right now, and interviewing also sucks from this end.
Oh, absolutely. I didn't enjoy it when I've had to interview people for open positions.
I got just in time to start watching hockey, so now I need to wait for a period break to make dinner. I may make pho ga again.
Oh christ, fb has updated something so the ap no longer does a true most recent news feed. They really hate choice, don't they? Gotta be a popularity contest.
Just give me a damn default I can set.
I don't think it has been a true most recent for years.
I want to flirt with people on fb. it's a really bad idea.
It just got much worse. Going back to the browser.
I just switched to chrome and I keep closing things whenI mean to refresh. I'm gonna blame hat on chrome and not my second glass of wine.
I think FB is a perfectly cromulent platform for flirting. Not that I flirt much anymore. Le sigh!
I need to have specific identified people that I can flirt with who know it is nothing. You all should send me random friends for that. my old bfs or co workers or now married friends they all get confused.
Hey, Steph, a friend of mine does a bunch of freelance editing and I mentioned one of my invisible Internet friends did, too. Anyway, she said if you were interested she'd like to network. I think she gets asked to work on medical/sciencey journals that aren't quite her thing. Anyway, if you'd like me to put you in touch with her, hit me up via my profile addy. I'm heading bedward now, but I'll check tomorrow.
Earthquake. Apparently 4.1 near Yountville. Felt like someone shaking the couch, if the couch was on stilts or something. Weird.
My Quakes app appears to be entirely useless, all it does it tell me it failed to register for remote push notifications.