What bothers me is that the computer system ought to help them, and instead, it's obviously confusing
A simple list of pre-requisites and restrictions, this is, literally, Basic programming, "if-then".
I don't know if it's HIPAA restrictions not letting information move properly or what, but the office staff at the lab always seem so damned *surprised* when you tell them "I cannot have essential test X if procedure Y does not take place, and if essential test X does not take place in the next two days, three weeks of complicated, expensive treatments will be wasted."
I know everybody hates interviewing, but man, I hate interviewing. And this wasn't even that bad! But anxiety.
At least I have hockey tonight to distract me. I'm going to head home soon to put on my jammy-jams and reward myself with cocktails.
Sorry, Burrell.
This does not strike me as rocket science.
Seriously -- in this day and age, in the world of modern medicine, systems should help people! And also work.
Hooray for people getting things done! Boo for incompetent people.
Hey, Jeopardy just taught me that "oculogyric" refers to rolling your eyes, but I have to say, I like @@ better. Only a little better.
I have worked on updating data across three data sources today and my eyes are crossing. This is not a deadline task or anything, we are just so dead I am doing the important, but not urgent time consuming things.
But now I am headachy from it so I am reading fic.
Timelies all!
Sorry you're dealing with incompetence, Ginger.
I have also been curious about the maple water. Anyone?
I hate interviewing, Shrift. So much.
I'm on a search committee right now, and interviewing also sucks from this end.