Yeah, we buy Archer on Amazon, but that's still, what, a one-time cost of $20? Way less than monthly cable.
We already have too many shows, so we wouldn't have time to watch more even if we did have cable. The only advantage to cable would be a DVR or On Demand, but it's not worth the price, for me. As long as we watch within 4 weeks (for most CW shows, Hulu has the most recent 4 up), we're good.
I wish CBS had their shows on Hulu, b/c we've missed some Elementary, and I haven't figured out a way to stream CBS via the Roku.
Archer is on Netflix, and I'm wondering about it. I have a surprisingly low tolerance for crudeness, but a high respect for Teppy's opinion. Is my untutored impression of Archer as being fairly strongly R accurate?
CBS is one of the reasons we have a computer plugged into the TV instead of a dedicated media device like a Roku.
(But mostly as a failsafe because we also have a Tivo OTA.)
hivemind tumblr people. so I am new with the tumblr and I follow some people who I want to see their posts, but then they respond/reblog EVERY SINGLE respond/reblog their original post received. My whole dashboard becomes this long list of the same post. Is there anyway to fix that?
Is my untutored impression of Archer as being fairly strongly R accurate?
Pretty much. A lot of the R rating comes from sexual content. A LOT of sexual content. I think it depends on how you define "crude." It's less bathroom humor (though there is some) and more sexual content and swearing.
I really wanted to like Archer because I had heard good things and I like Aisha's podcast a lot, but it is not my wheelhouse.
Pretty much
Well, a couple of episodes won't hurt me. I can intersperse them with Avengers Assemble.
I love drinking with my brother and watching Archer and that car show that just got cancelled. Oh, Top Gear. It's a xmas tradition now. Only time I see those shows. I have no cable, have never had cable and don't stream much unless I've missed an air broadcast (Agent Carter most recently. And...COSMOS. I think that's it, actually.)
I really need to upgrade my internet. I should do that.
hivemind tumblr people. so I am new with the tumblr and I follow some people who I want to see their posts, but then they respond/reblog EVERY SINGLE respond/reblog their original post received. My whole dashboard becomes this long list of the same post. Is there anyway to fix that?
Do you have Xkit? [link]
It's a tumblr extension full of other extensions, that do many wonderful things. It has one that looks like it has tumblr show only original posts, not reblogs. I think it does it for everyone you follow, not just one.