I love drinking with my brother and watching Archer and that car show that just got cancelled. Oh, Top Gear. It's a xmas tradition now. Only time I see those shows. I have no cable, have never had cable and don't stream much unless I've missed an air broadcast (Agent Carter most recently. And...COSMOS. I think that's it, actually.)
I really need to upgrade my internet. I should do that.
hivemind tumblr people. so I am new with the tumblr and I follow some people who I want to see their posts, but then they respond/reblog EVERY SINGLE respond/reblog their original post received. My whole dashboard becomes this long list of the same post. Is there anyway to fix that?
Do you have Xkit? [link]
It's a tumblr extension full of other extensions, that do many wonderful things. It has one that looks like it has tumblr show only original posts, not reblogs. I think it does it for everyone you follow, not just one.
Well, a couple of episodes won't hurt me. I can intersperse them with Avengers Assemble.
If you want to try one from the first season, do the Zeppelin episode "Skytanic." That gives a better idea of the humor going forward.
Hivemind question: How would you pronounce Delgadillo?
xkit also lets you limit the number of posts you see in a row by the same person.
I'd say delga-deeyo, with the almost invisible l and soft throat g blended together. Super short ee. But that's how I heard it in NM.
How would you pronounce Delgadillo?
Spanish or Italian? I think Spanish would be Dell-ga-DEE-yo or Del-GA-dee yo.
Archer is one of those shows where I think it's funny, and watching it makes me cringe and/or feel like a horrible person.
Hmm, I wonder if Penny Dreadful is available anywhere other than getting a cable package. I WILL PAY FOR THE DAMN EPISODES, JUST LET ME HAVE THEM WITHOUT DEALING WITH COMCAST.
I'd say delga-deeyo
I heard it the same way in my head