I'm betting most people in a meeting lasting until 6:30 would LOVE a valid reason for stopping it ten minutes early, so long as they have advance warning. Having to keep the meeting moving along will motivate participants to be more concise.
Seriously, even if it does take five minutes to walk, ask for ten so that you're covered if somebody important buttonholes you or you drop your packages or trip going down the stairs or whatever.
Our accounting system is about to go through an "upgrade", Friday it shuts down for 10 days. Every person I know who has been involved in any phase of the testing/training says it is a train wreak.
I am SO GLAD I'm no longer part of the accounting group. Sure, the lack of available data will put a dent in my work, but it is nice to be a few steps removed from the front line.
10 days? Damn.
Needing to catch a bus seems like a VERY valid reason to ask to eave/end a meeting early.
I tried adding sudafed to my pharmaceutical cocktail today. I think I feel worse.
Away from work, I'm playing the insurance game of trying to get them to approve a name brand prescription. I still haven't been able to get any Lyrica from my insurance. They rejected the prior authorization and want me to try the generic first. Now I'm waiting for my doctors office to either prescribe the generic or fight back and appeal. Right now I don't care which - I have Lyrica samples that will get me through the next 2 weeks - but this better have some resultion before then.
Oh, and I have a rental in SLC - a Ford C-Max. Never heard of it before. It is a boxy hybrid. It drives fine and is roomy, but so not my asthetic.
Gerard Way is looking for an 18 year old goth girl in L.A. for a photo shoot he's doing. Excuse me while I sob.
(Pete said,
"You need to ask yourself, what is he doing that needs a goth specifically?"
to which I said,
Somebody is not now speaking to me on the book of the face because I pointed out that thinking that Gaza shouldn't be bombed is not the same as hating Israel. When she objected, I pointed out that not liking Obama's policies is not the same as being anti-American.
Clearly I should back away from the arguing.
Captain Logic. Tugboat. You know the drill.
I'd say you were clearly asking for it Theodosia.
Theodesia,don't you know that any critique of any action Israel takes is antisemitic (or self-hating if you are Jewish). Whereas Christian Zionists who support Israel in hopes that it will lead to nuclear war in the Middle East, with the remaining Jews all converting to Christianity are not antisemitic.
Sounds like a positive outcome to me.