Ugh, everything today tasted too sweet, from cereal to dinner. Then I remembered I haven't had any True Fizz today, and the Lime is especially good for clearing the taste buds out.
Starsky, Hutch, I'm not saying not to investigate a given crime, but when you warn the target in danger and she slips you anyway, maybe that doesn't have to be the most important thing on your desk. Since your job is to get me emotionally involved in the crime and its resolution, after all. I'm already giving you mad conflicting points for the striped tomato.
Is the Fresh and Light noticeably lighter to haul around?
I don't have any trouble lifting it and I'm not particularly strong, YMMV of course. I feel like a comparable amount is not as heavy as A&H and does the job just as well.
Oh, old school Starsky and Hutch? I've wondered if I've dared rewatch those.
I've never watched Starsky & Hutch. There was about a decade where television pretty much never happened. Likely S&H was in that time period. There are lots of series on DVD now that I have never seen even a single episode. Most are in the probably 'didn't miss anything' category.
eta: don't know if Starsky and Hutch are in that category. Might have to be on my retirement viewing list.
I loved old school Starsky&Hutch. I haven't watched it since its original run, though, I don't know how I'd like it now!
Thanks, Zen. I think I will try to get over to Petco tomorrow and hope they have multiple options I can compare.
I'm not sure what magic I am even looking for, maybe I'll know it when I see it. But I need rabbit food anyway and I have Petco reward $ to spend.
I don't know how it compares in weight to others, but I like the modestly named World's Best Cat Litter. It's made from corn cobs, I think.
Starsky and Hutch were my first slash, and I didn't even know slash existed back then.
t- I have used the Tidy Cat Lightweight. It was definitely easier to haul around, but I found it much more dusty as well. I ended up going back to the regular stuff.
Thanks, bennett, hadn't considered that variable.
I've been using Swheat scoop, and it's fine, but I feel like I have to buy it every time I turn around unless I get 25 pounds at a time and that is just a lot to lug into the house.